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The world's largest social network Facebook starts showing video ads. Video advertising has become currently the most expensive type of advertising and gaining increasingly popular.

The Joomla! Project and the Production Leadership Team are proud to announce the release of Joomla! 3.2.3 which is a security release and also resolves a significant number of issues and bugs.

The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Joomla 2.5.19. Joomla 2.5.19 is a security release addressing two medium level vulnerabilities.

Apple is preparing to release a software update for the smartphone iPhone 5S associated with improved sensor Touch ID. Future mobile operating system update iOS aimed at correcting problems associated with the gradual deterioration in the quality of fingerprint recognition.

There is no need to move to another site and look for how to unsubscribe from mailing lists. Gmail otpishet mailings in one click. How long this was a dream, and now it is a reality.

Worldwide leading social network Facebook announced the closing of its own mail service @facebook. The company began to notify its users that all messages sent to addresses which ended now will be mailed to the primary address specified in your account settings user facebook.