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Social network "VKontakte" since July changed the payment to the developers for placement of display advertising in their applications. In the case of placement of commercials lasting 9 seconds and video banners payments with thousands of hits will increase by 50%. At the cost of accommodation for the advertisers it will not change, "- said in a statement," VKontakte ".

Payments for advertising during the period from May 1, now account for 45 rubles per 1000 banner impressions size of 500 × 500 pixels duration from 9 to 20 seconds or video banner, and 30 rubles per 1000 impressions flash-banner size of 500 × 500 pixels for up to 8 seconds. To connect to the advertising platform "Vkontakte" to register on the company's website Creara Media. Exclusive rights to sell display advertising in the "VKontakte" belong to the agency IMHO VI, which began to cooperate with the social network in the autumn of 2011.