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The largest social. network in the world of Facebook, plans to soon display ads on mobile devices to enhance the attractiveness of the site for advertisers. Currently, mobile phone advertising in Facebook disabled.

The operating system for mobile Android devices increased the lead from its main rival - iOS. The operating system for mobile devices, Google's Android was installed on 64.1% of smartphones sold worldwide in the second quarter of 2012

Members of the largest social networking site Facebook can now point to their personal page, they will have a child. On the completion of the family can be told by completing the relevant box in the "Chronicle". Facebook again ahead of the rest.

In the United States on August 15, Samsung started selling the new flagship Android-tablet Galaxy Note 10.1. Price of the device with 16 GB of internal memory was $ 500 for the 32GB will have to pay 550 dollars.

Google started to provide users and brand pages in their social network registered URL-address. Before this, all URLs on Google+ contained a set of numbers, not the name of this person.

Apple will introduce a new generation of smartphone iPhone on September 12, and will start selling in the U.S. market on September 21. Apple will begin taking pre-orders for the new iPhone in a single day with the announcement of the device.

Apple is in talks to acquire social. network The Fancy, a direct competitor Pinterest.Oba project can make lists of what they find interesting, and often these sites are used as a kind of catalog of things they would like to purchase. Apparently, the project is interested competitors Apple, as in The Fancy users make online shopping much more active than Pinterest.

Samsung has announced the start of the program to buy back old smartphones. Users who have moved to one of its models from the Galaxy (S II, S III and the Note), the South Korean company is offering up to $ 300 in cash in exchange for an old gadget. Initially, Samsung offers indicate the manufacturer, model, and condition of the operator of second-hand mobile phone (if the display is not broken, whether any liquid).